Experiments >

Code animation: JSON format

Experiment #14118th April, 2021by Joshua Nussbaum

This experiment is about documenting the structure of the document. It will be in a JSON format, and stored in supabase as a jsonb column.


  • title: name of document. Default is Untitled
  • settings: general settings
  • frame: frame settings
  • window: window settings
  • timeline: a list of events


  • preset: the color preset. Default is light.
  • css: global css rules to add. Default is an empty string.
  • easing: default easing function. Default is linear.
  • duration: default duration of a timeline event. Default is 1000.


Settings related to the frame:

  • width: the width of the frame. Default is 640.
  • height: the height of the frame. Default is 480.
  • background: the background color. Default is #cccccc.


Settings related to the code editor window

  • title: the title of the window. Default is code.
  • width: the width of the window. Default is 640.
  • height: the height of the window. Default is 480.
  • controls: wether controls should be displayed. Default is true.
  • border.enabled: enable or disable border. Default is true.
  • border.color: the color of the border. Default is preset.
  • background: the background color of the window. Default is preset.
  • language: the program language, used for syntax highlighting. Default is javascript.
  • lineNumbers: whether line numbers should be displayed. Default is true.
  • initial: the initial code. Default is an empty string.


All events share this properties:

  • type: the type of the event. Can be one of insert, append, delete, scroll, select
  • label: the label of the event. Default is an empty string.
  • caption: displays a caption at the bottom the screen. Default is an empty string.
  • offset: the offset in milliseconds. Default is last.offset + last.duration
  • effect.duration: the length of the event in milliseconds. Default is default which uses settings.duration.
  • effect.easing: the easing function. The default is default, which uses settings.easing.


Code to append to the end of the document:

  • code: the code to append. default is an empty string.
  • typewriter: true to enabled the typewriter effect. default is false
  • highlight: true to hightlight text while typing. default is false


Code to insert into the document:

  • position: the position to insert at. ie {line: 10, char: 3}. default is {line: 0, char: 0}
  • code: the code to insert. default is an empty string.
  • typewriter: true to enabled the typewriter effect. default is false
  • highlight: true to hightlight text while typing. default is false


Deletes code from the document:

  • position: the position to delete at. ie {line: 10, char: 3}. default is {line: 0, char: 0}
  • length: the number of chars to delete. default is 0.
  • typewriter: true to enabled the typewriter effect. default is false
  • highlight: true to hightlight text while deleting. default is false


Replace code in the document:

  • selection: the position to delete. ie {from: {line: 10, char: 3}, length: 0}. default is {from: {line: 0, char: 0}, length: 0}
  • code: the code to insert. default is an empty string.
  • typewriter: true to enabled the typewriter effect. default is false
  • highlight: true to hightlight text while removing and adding. default is false


A list of one or more selections

  • a list of:
    • start: the start of the selection
    • end: the end of the selection
    • scroll: true to scroll to the line. Default is false.
  • classes: a list of css classes. Default is []
  • styles: css styles to add. Default is an empty string.


Scroll the window

  • scrollType: the type of scrolling. One of pixel or line. Default is line.
  • y: the y position to scroll to.
  • line: the line number to scroll to.


  • Support for multiple windows in the future
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