Experiments >

Code animation: Layout resize

Experiment #14218th April, 2021by Joshua Nussbaum

The editor that I’m building for the code animation project contains multiple panes. There’s a footer that displays the timeline of events and a property editor sidebar. Both of these panes should be resizable.


The technique for resizing is the same for both vertical and horizontal resizing. The only difference is that vertical resize binds against width and uses cursor: col-resize, and the horizontal resize uses height and cursor: row-resize.

Vertical splitter

It assumes that the initial value of width is hardcoded.

<!-- VSplitter.svelte -->
  export let height = 0
  export let width
  export let min = 0

  let moving = false
  let startWidth
  let startX

  // start the dragging
  function start(event) {
    startX = event.pageX
    startWidth = width
    moving = true

  // perform resize
  function move(event) {
    if (!moving) return


    const delta = startX - event.pageX
    width = Math.max(min, startWidth + delta)

  // stop the dragging
  function stop() {
    moving = false

<svelte:window on:mouseup={stop} on:mousemove={move}/>

<div class="v-splitter" style="height: {height}px" on:mousedown={start}>


  .v-splitter {
    position: absolute;
    cursor: col-resize;
    width: 10px;
    margin-left: -5px;
    background: blue;
    opacity: 0.2;

Horizontal splitter

It assumes that the initial value of height is hardcoded. Nearly identical to the vertical splitter, just with height/width and x/y swapped.

<!-- HSplitter.svelte -->
  export let width = 0
  export let height
  export let min = 0

  let moving = false
  let startHeight
  let startY

  // start dragging
  function start(event) {
    startY = event.pageY
    startHeight = height
    moving = true

  // perform resize
  function move(event) {
    if (!moving) return


    const delta = startY - event.pageY
    height = Math.max(min, startHeight + delta)

  // stop dragging
  function stop() {
    moving = false

<svelte:window on:mouseup={stop} on:mousemove={move}/>

<div class="h-splitter" style="width: {width}px" on:mousedown={start}>

  .h-splitter {
    position: absolute;
    cursor: row-resize;
    height: 10px;
    margin-top: -5px;
    background: red;
    opacity: 0.2;


These settings can be persisted to local storage using the local-storage-store.




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