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Supabase CMS

Experiment #18010th May, 2021by Joshua Nussbaum

Was thinking a bit about how a CMS could work with supabase.

One approach is to use a code generator.

All you’d need is a list of fields, and the code generator would do a bunch of work for you, like:

  • Generating the SQL to create the tables.
  • Adding the primary keys, foreign keys and common fields, like id, user_id, status, inserted_at, updated_at, published_at.
  • Generating the security policies. Only published data should be accessible to the public, while creating and updating would require authentication.
  • Adding a trigger to set the updated_at timestamp.
  • Adding a *_versions table and a trigger to capture each change.

We also get a few things for free:

  • The content is accessible via the standard supabase API, ie await supabase.from('table_name').select('*'). So no special API is needed.
  • It notifies whenever something changes via supabase’s realtime API.

In the future, it could provide:

  • A visual editor for doing CRUD, publishing, scheduling, and archiving.
  • A way to migrate the DB automatically, without copy & paste.
  • The ability to Attach files to rows using Supabase Storage.





  • Add default values for fields.
  • When scheduled_at is set, and status = 'scheduled' a CRON job should run to mark the post published, that will trigger realtime updates.
  • Should it support field validations?
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