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Supabase SaaS: Project plan

Experiment #15123rd April, 2021by Joshua Nussbaum

I’d like to create a SaaS template for svelte-kit. There is already something similar with React/Next.js.

This would help me in a few ways:

  • It’s needed for the code animation project.
  • It would make it easy to create a paid video course, if I get there in the future.
  • It provides a useful template for the community.

I’ve already done a few experiments in this area:

So this post is about organizing this project, and seeing what’s left before I start integration.

Use Cases

As a user, I can view features, testimonials and pricing As a user, I can signup and pay for a subsciption As a member, I can view my payment history As a member, I can cancel subsciption As a member, I can upgrade/downgrade my plan As a member, I can log out As a member, I can view paid content As a unpaid user, I cannot view paid content As a business owner, I can set up a SaaS with one click


Home page

Displays hero section, features, testimonials, pricing. Links to sign in and sign up. Path: /

Login page

Login page, probably using svelte-ui-supabase Path: /login

Sign up page

Sign up page, similar to /login, but with extra fields Path: /signup

Dashboard page

This is a stub page, that shows how to protect a page from unpaid members: Path: /dashboard

Account page

A place when the customer can update info related to their account and initiate plan changes. For paid members only. Path: /account

Payments page

Shows the member their payment history Path: /payments


This is what the database schema will look like. There aren’t too many pieces needed.

plans table

  • id primary key
  • name varchar
  • features jsonb
  • monthly_price money
  • annual_price money
  • monthly_price_id Stripe’s price id
  • annual_price_id Stripe’s price id
create table plans (
  id serial primary key,
  name varchar not null,
  features jsonb not null default '{}'::jsonb,
  monthly_price money not null,
  annual_price money,
  monthly_price_id varchar not null,
  annual_price_id varchar

members table

  • id uuid, references auth.users
  • paid boolean, true when payment is in good standing, false when payment has failed or account is canceled.
-- create a public.users table
create table members (
  id uuid references auth.users not null primary key,
  active boolean not null default false

-- enable RLS
alter table members enable row level security;

-- add access policies
create policy "Can view own user data." on members for select using (auth.uid() = id);
create policy "Can update own user data." on members for update using (auth.uid() = id);

is_paid_member function

This function makes it possible to check if a user_id is a paid member inside a policy check.

create or replace function is_paid_member(uid uuid)
returns boolean as $$
declare is_paid boolean;
  select paid into is_paid from users where id = uid;
  return coalesce(is_paid, false);
end $$ language plpgsql stable security definer;

handle_new_user function

This function is triggered when a user account is created.

create or replace function public.handle_new_user()
returns trigger as $$
  insert into public.users (id, active)
  values (new.id, false);

  return new;
$$ language plpgsql security definer;

create trigger on_auth_user_created
  after insert on auth.users
  for each row execute procedure public.handle_new_user();


  • checkout for making the initial payment
  • change-plan when the member wants to upgrade/downgrade their plan
  • cancel-account called to cancel the member’s account
  • stripe-webhook-handler handles webhooks from Stripe, and updates the payment history or marks the member paid/unpaid


  • One of the challenges with templates is how much design do they have? There are 3 ways: Fully designed (custom css or tailwind), minimal design, no design. I wonder if it would be possible to ship 3 versions of the html in seperate folders, so the user can choose their starting point. or maybe it could be a separate branch.
  • Should credit card info and registration info be inputed on the same screen? or should we ask for CC on a seperate page, after the user signs up (it would be easier to implement as separate step).
  • Plans often have restrictions, like quotas (ie max_videos_per_month, max_file_size) or flags (ie zapier_enabled). Those can be fields in the plans tables, but they should probably be copied to members table too. Because if a plans rules changes down the road, you’d probably want previous customer agreements to be grandfathered in.
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