When demonstrating code, the animation may have to move to different lines in a file. So I built a “scroll into view” routine, that animates the scroll position to a specific line.
function scrollIntoView(line) {
// find number of lines
const lines = editor.lineCount()
// get info about the scroll height of the editor element
const scrollInfo = editor.getScrollInfo()
// compute line height
const lineHeight = scrollInfo.height/lines
// clear previous marks
editor.getAllMarks().forEach(mark => mark.clear())
// mark the line with css class `.highlight`
editor.markText({line, ch: 0}, {line, ch: 10000}, {className: 'highlight'})
// set up a tween, starting at the current scrolltop position
scrollY = tweened(scrollInfo.top, {duration: 300})
// when tween value changes, scroll the editor
scrollY.subscribe(y => {
editor.scrollTo(0, y)
// trigger the tween, by telling it the end point to go to
scrollY.set(lineHeight * line)
Thanks to my last experiment, where I extracting reusable components, I was able to run this experiment very quickly, by doing it in isolation in a REPL.
Here’s the code: