#56 - Animation commands
#48 - Restoring an easing function
#39 - Undoing nested animations
#38 - Testing the code animation tool
#37 - Playing a tween in reverse
#36 - Adding tabs and drawer to screen component
#35 - Pausable tweened store
#34 - Nested tweens with pausing
#32 - Timeline events
#31 - Timeline manual position selection
#30 - Timeline editor view
#29 - Code editor commands
#28 - Code editor hyperlinks
#27 - Code editor scroll into view
#25 - Code editor with elastic typing
#23 - Scene components
#20 - Tweening inserts
#18 - Code editor tweened typewriter effect
#17 - Code editor variable durations
#16 - Code editor events
#15 - Code editor annotations
#13 - Multiple themes and languages
#12 - Slides of SVG
#11 - Animated scrolling
#10 - Multiple marks
#9 - Editor layout & effect for removal
#8 - Typewriter effect with highlighting
#7 - Recording code session to video
#6 - Highlighting additions & removals
#5 - Sliding SVG in both x and y direction
#4 - Playback selections with CodeMirror
#3 - Animated Timeline
#2 - Animating Input Selections