Experiments >

Supabase CMS: Localization

Experiment #18613th May, 2021by Joshua Nussbaum

Continuing on from the previous experiment, I added support for localizing content by language.

This introduces another table. For example, if we wanted to localize the title of a post, there would be a corresponding post_locales table that would hold the title (and any other fields we want localized).

Since I want to track versions of each change, it would mean having 2 versioning tables post_versions and post_local_verions. Instead, I refactored post_versions to store the history as a jsonb value so both data shapes can fit in the same table. Then I updated the trigger code to generate a json object.

Here’s what it looks like now:

-- create a function that will duplicate posts data into the posts_versions table
create or replace function log_post()
returns trigger as $$
  insert into post_versions (post_id, user_id, payload)
    values (old.id, old.user_id, jsonb_build_object(
      'status', old.status,
      'published_at', old.published_at,
      'scheduled_at', old.scheduled_at,
      'archived_at', old.archived_at,
      'updated_at', old.updated_at,
      'permalink', old.permalink,
      'body', old.body,
      'tags', old.tags
  return new;
$$ language plpgsql;

-- create a function that will duplicate post_locales data into the posts_versions table
create or replace function log_post_locale()
returns trigger as $$
  insert into post_versions (post_id, post_locale_id, user_id, payload)
    values (old.post_id, old.id, old.user_id, jsonb_build_object(
      'locale', old.locale,
      'updated_at', old.updated_at,
      'title', old.title
  return new;
$$ language plpgsql;

Worked pretty well!




  • Add policy for *_locales tables
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