Experiments >

Timeline events

Experiment #329th March, 2021by Joshua Nussbaum

Today I looked at adding events to the timeline. It turned out to be fairly straightforward.

The timeline is an SVG, and each event is a <rect/>. It was just a matter of computing the time offset of each event, and using that as the x value of the rect.

For example, an event with duration: 1000 and pause: 300, takes a total time of 1000 + 300 = 1300, so the next event’s offset is 1300. It’s fairly easy to compute with a reduce operation:

// reduce thru each step in the timeline
totalDuration = timeline.reduce((offset, step) => {
  // use rolling summary as offset
  step.offset = offset
  // compute total time of this step
  step.totalDuration = step.duration + step.pause

  // accumulate
  return offset + step.totalDuration
}, 0)

Clicking on an event opens up a form where it can be edited. In the future, that might look like a “property editor” style UI.

Here’s the code:


Here’s what it looks like:

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